idconvert is a command line tool for converting between various file formats.
prints usage information
idconvert sequest.pepXML
creates sequest.mzid in current directory
idconvert interact.protXML
converts interact.protXML to interact.mzid. Also reads any pepXML file referenced in the protXML file if available. If the protXML file has been moved from its original location, the pepXML will still be found if it has also been moved to the same position relative to the protXML file. This relative position is determined by reading the protXML protein_summary:summary_xml
and protein_summary_header:source_files
idconvert mascot.mzid --pepXML
converts mascot.mzid to mascot.pepXML
idconvert omssa.pepXML -o my_output_dir
puts output file in my_output_dir