chainsaw is a command-line utility for in-silico digest of amino acid sequences. The utility reads a fasta file and outputs a tab-separated file with the following fields:
sequence : the amino acid sequence of the theoretical peptide
protein : the protein referenced in the fasta file
mass: mass of the theoretical peptide
missedCleavages: number of missed cleavages observed
A variety of options are supported to customize the digest. In particular, one can specify a digestion enzyme in one of three ways:
Additional options are shown in the usage string, reproduced below. To show this string on the command line, run chainsaw without any arguments. Usage: chainsaw [options] [filenames]
Options: -e [ --proteolyticEnzyme ] arg : specify proteolytic enzyme for digest ion. Options: trypsin, chromotrypsin, cl ostripain, cyanogenBromide, pepsin. Default : trypsin -d [ --digestionMotif ] arg : specify a digestion motif (e.g. tryps in = "[KR]|[^P]") -r [ --cleavageAgentRegex ] arg : specify a cleavage agent regex (e.g. trypsin = "(?<=[KR])(?!P)") -n [ --numMissedCleavages ] arg (=0) : specify number of missed cleavages to allow. -s [ --specificity ] arg : specify minimum specificity. Options: non, semi, fully. Default: fully -m [ --minLength ] arg (=0) : specify minimum length of digested pe ptides -M [ --maxLength ] arg (=100000) : specify maximum length of digested pe ptides -p [ --massPrecison ] arg (=12) : specify precision of calculated mass of digested peptides --benchmark : do not write results
Download an example fasta file HERE
chainsaw bsa_precursor.fa
chainsaw -e cyanogenBromide bsa_precursor.fa
chainsaw -n 2 -s semi bsa_precursor.fa